Hey lovely people! 

Where’s the fine line between flirting and harassment? Why is adoption for same-sex couples still illegal in more than 150 countries? Let’s talk around a beer! We want to give you the opportunity to exchange with others in a welcoming and respectful environment. In the first edition of our new event, we will first discuss the meaning of “consent” and then the adoption rights for LGBTQI+ couples. We encourage you to share your opinions and experiences ! The talk will be followed by an apéro.
We will set up a nice spot for you to sit at the park and some tables with some snacks for the apéro.
Any kind of opinions on the topics are welcomed ! However, it is imperative that discussions will be held in a respectful manner. Therefore, any disrespectful or abusive behaviour will not be tolerated.

✦ WHEN: Wednesday, 2nd of June, from 4:30 PM
✦ WHERE: in the parc du Bourget, 10min walk from Bourdonnette
Everyone: 2 CHF
Note: The price includes drinks and snacks for the apero !
✦ REGISTRATION: Spots are limited! First come, first served. Filling the form DOES NOT guarantee you a place, it will be reserved only when you come to pay!
1. Begin by filling this form:
2. Come pay during our office hours (only then your place will be confirmed):
At our office (cash only):
From Monday 31st of May to Wednesday 2nd of June from 12pm to 1pm
Office in Anthropole (1128.1)
Please note that to access the Anthropole building, you must have your UNIL CampusCard. For non-UNIL students, we recommend that you enter by the cafeteria entrances and not by the regular doors.
Via Zoom (payment with PayPal or TWINT):
From Monday 31st of May to Wednesday 2nd of June from 12pm to 1pm
Connect to this Zoom link: https://epfl.zoom.us/j/62302722456
You will then be placed in the waiting room and, when your turn comes, you will be put in contact with one of our members who will take care of your payment (PayPal or TWINT). Please note that if you pay online, you will have to pay a 7% tax.
There won’t be any sales at the CHUV as the AEML office is closed during the revision session.
Note: Once you have paid, if you want to cancel you must find someone to take your spot and notify us about it!
We can’t wait to see you at the debate!
Your beloved ESN Committee 

02/06/2021 - 16:30
Social media