Hi lovely people

Ready to discover the beautiful and historic old-town of Geneva? ESN Lausanne with the help of ESN Geneva is organizing an Escape Game around Geneva’s old town!

The investigation you will have to solve begins on December 11 of 1602, a few hours before the Savoyards attacked the city of Geneva and tried to take it over. Someone has stolen Mère Royaume’s cauldron and, without it, the Genevans will not be able to defend themselves against the Savoyards... Unfortunately, the investigator in charge of solving this mysterious disappearance has been kidnapped by Savoyard spies. He is now locked up in a dungeon and he has asked you to complete his investigation. The last place he was seen was an alley north of St. Peter's Cathedral.
There will be 2 different departures so that all groups have enough time to resolve the enigmas. Afterwards, the escape game will be followed by an apéro with beers on the magnificent geneva lakeside.
✦ WHEN: Sunday, the 30th of May.
Group 1: 13h20
Group 2: 14h20
✦ WHERE: Geneva
✦ MEETING POINT: Lausanne Train Station, main hall
Erasmus with ESNcard: CHF 10
Erasmus without ESNcard: CHF 15
Anyone else with ESNcard: CHF 15
Anyone else without ESNcard: CHF 20
Anyone with GA: CHF 5
Anyone with 7/25: CHF 10
Note: The drinks and the train tickets are included in the given prices but bring your own snacks!
✦ REGISTRATION: Spots are limited! First come, first served. Filling the form DOES NOT guarantee you a place, it will be reserved only when you come to pay!
1. Begin by filling this form:
2. Come pay during our office hours (only then your place will be confirmed):
At our office (cash only):
From Tuesday 25th May to Thursday 27th May
Office in Anthropole (1128.1)
Please note that to access the Anthropole building, you must have your UNIL CampusCard. For non-UNIL students, we recommend that you enter by the cafeteria entrances and not by the regular doors.
Via Zoom (payment with PayPal or TWINT):
From Tuesday 25th May to Thursday 27th May from 12:00am to 1pm
Connect to this Zoom link: https://epfl.zoom.us/j/62302722456
You will then be placed in the waiting room and, when your turn comes, you will be put in contact with one of our members who will take care of your payment (PayPal or TWINT). Please note that if you pay online, you will have to pay a 7% tax.

Note: Once you have paid, if you want to cancel you must find someone to take your spot and notify us about it!
We are looking forward to seeing you for this unmissable event
Your beloved ESN Committee 

30/05/2021 - 13:15
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